Yogic bodywork is often described as “having yoga done to you” because of the postures in which you may be placed and the mindfulness cultivated by consistently attending to the breath. Although there will need to be some communication regarding breath awareness and/or physical alignment your treatment will be a mostly silent, focused and restorative experience.

Your session takes place on a futon-style mat. I will work on your body in as many positions as are comfortable for you: on your back, side, stomach and even seated. Muscle compression, passive stretching and rhythmic rocking are all employed in coordination with breath to allow the body/mind to relax and recalibrate. You will be moved around during the treatment, so comfortable clothing is essential. Long sleeves and pants are best as body temperature usually drops during relaxation. Traditionally, yogic bodywork lasts 2 1/2 – 3 hours. Please allow a minimum of 2 hours for your first treatment. When working to resolve a condition, shorter follow-up treatments may be sufficient. Two hours may sound like a lot, but when you consider the amount of stress that most humans withstand on a daily basis, two hours of restorative work is truly the least you can do to maintain and optimize the functioning of your body and mind! 

After your treatment, you will likely experience an alert sense of calm, increased sense of well-being, heightened body awareness and greater range of motion.

Yogic bodywork is also known to tone and detoxify the body, boost the immune system, improve postural alignment, dissolve muscle tension and energy blockages, alleviate chronic joint/back pain and slow the aging process ...

Suggested Donation  $120-$150

Bartering is always welcome